EXCLUSIVE Celebrate the people and moments you treasure most with our exclusive Floral Treasures bouquet. A stunning bouquet that brings together an abundance of blooms in shades of lavender and pink, creating a striking blend of color.
- All-around arrangement with pink Asiatic lilies, Peruvian lilies (alstroemeria) and waxflower; lavender daisy poms, and statice; accented with assorted greenery
- To ensure lasting beauty, Asiatic lilies and Peruvian lilies may arrive in bud form, and will fully bloom over the next few days
- We select the freshest flowers available, so colors and varieties may vary due to local availability
- Artistically designed in a clear glass vase
- Large arrangement measures approximately 17.5"H x 14"L
- Medium arrangement measures approximately 17"H x 12"L
- Small arrangement measures approximately 16"H x 10.5"L